Today’s world is getting more and more security conscious. People worry about the security about their house, their vehicle, their possessions and also their computer data which is now of vital importance because of the infusion of computer in every field. A person might not worry about the loss of some of his material possession; but, data for sure is something he cannot afford to lose. Living with such security sense, it is really pleasant to know that our PDF documents can be protected by personal passwords. But, this facility to password protect all the Acrobat PDF files can become a nuisance when the genuine owner of the documents himself forgets the password and cannot unlock and extract those protect PDF items. Here comes the use of PDF unlocker tool to unlock PDF documents and remove PDF restriction from them to extract those PDF files that the user owns.
Passwords are meant to restrict other users from viewing, opening and gaining access to your important data stored in the form of PDF documents. This protection becomes punishment when you forget your own password and lose access to your own Acrobat files. But, as it is well known that where there is a problem, there always exists a solution. The only solution is to remove restriction of PDF file using a good PDF unlocker software.
A PDF file is protected by two types of passwords, user password and master password. When the password is asked at the time of opening a file is opened, it is called User Password and it means that the PDF file is protected by the user password. The second type of protection is my Master Password. In this, no password is asked while opening of the PDF file but after opening, the options of editing, copying, printing etc are disabled. SysTools PDF restriction remover is an effective tool which works to remove Master Password which means it can enable all the options like edit, copy, print and the rest. This SysTools software tool will easily and quickly unlock PDF document and enable PDF rights thus making it possible for the user to get the files protected by master password back in a few minutes. The nuisance caused due to the forgetting of master password of Acrobat PDF items can easily be finished by using this tool.